充满活力和现代感的 BoHo 泰式生活咖啡馆,以经典泰式菜肴和西方美食展现既复古又现代的风格。餐厅全天营业,让宾客可以随时享受美味,种类丰富的菜单,提供开心食品、沙拉、面条、油炸特色菜、咖喱菜,并全天提供早餐。饮品包括创意苏打水、冰茶和以当地香料调制的鸡尾酒。 爱吃甜食的人会更开心,因为 BoHo 泰式生活咖啡馆还提供多种甜品,新鲜出炉的糕点、酒店的招牌下午茶,以及马提尼鸡尾酒。 周围园林环绕,无论是在室内还是户外用餐,您都与自然相连。在户外区域,您还可以带上宠物一起来用餐。 这样田园诗般的环境,在一天中的任何时候用餐都是享受:无论是伴着日出享用热带自助早餐,与朋友和家人共进午餐或早午餐,还是在主题晚餐中欣赏日落、看漫天繁星。用餐之前,不妨看看餐厅内展示的当地现代泰式艺术和生活手工艺品。在这一休闲别致的餐厅中,您还可以参加创意烹饪和插花课程,一试身手。
A signature menu inspired by South American ingredients, we are still keeping it fun and tiki, but also provide a modern twist to this new set of signature cocktails with highlights like Pineapple Clarity, Hot & Corny, Gin-chee, Kaffirlicious and more!
A range of local and international craft beers, wines, classic cocktails and champagne round off the list to satisfy every palate.
A range of local and international craft beers, wines, classic cocktails and champagne round off the list to satisfy every palate.
Helming the grill is Executive Chef Lamberto Valdez Lara, who reinvigorates the classic barbecue with a variety of signature, seasonal farm-to-plate, barbecue-style dishes such as slow-cooked beef briskets, smoked ribs and skewers, grilled fresh-caught prawns and casual sharing platters for larger parties!
Music is the soul of Bar.Yard and a curated playlist has been designed specifically for the venue. Patrons can expect an exciting lineup of local and international DJs, playing everything from neo-soul and electro-funk to contemporary hip hop and disco.